Although the theory of female gaze is evident in this advert , women are still portrayed to be inferior to men. As soon as he appears all the females are hypnotised almost idealising him. Ironically he is lifted higher by the machine, reinforcing marxists ideology of hierachy system within the two genders. Women are represented as shallow and thick as tehy all look at him with awe, unable to speak. Althought they are clever succesfull women working in an office they are all amzed by a male who has a lower job status. All because he is half naked, they react back by sginaling sexual gestures
Tuesday, 16 December 2008
Monday, 15 December 2008
Aero advert
A typically built tall , dark man is used in this chocolate advert to entice females. Filled with sexual conneations this advert uses the male model as a form of female gaze. HAlf dressed the model wanders around the appartment whislt directly talking to teh camera ( demanding power and directly addressing the audince) . Although he is meant to be vulnerable due to being stripped of his clothes, he is still represnated as a power man. Towards the end he holds an aero ball between his fingers, suggesting that the ball is in his court . That he has all the power ot use his body to his liking.
Flash Advert
This flash advert shows the hectic life of modern domesic wife. The advert is filled with sterotypical represnations of the both sexes. The female hapen to be a mother at home, while the boys are handons student demanding thier dinner. The mother then says " this kitchen migth be new but it isnt clean" with a worred facial expression . She then morphs into a super mum by protecting her childern, by using Flash which is stronger and quicker. Typically the builders are both men.
Cadbury's - Flake - Woman In Canoe - Waterfall - UK Advert
In this Cadbury's Flake advert a blond beautiful young female is featured. She is purposely located in the commercial to act a sa form of male gaze. She conforms to this role be sudectlively eating a chocolate bar. The flake bar is an abvouis phallic symbol , which she thrn unwarps and inserts in to her mouth. The sexual connetaions are blaintant and are futher emphaisd by the use of other phallic symbols such as water. She is then seen entering a cave and getting drenched by some sort of warerfall.
Shake N Vac Advert
This commercial is for a house hold product , typically the a female is endoursing the product. In the beginning when talking about the unpleasants smells she has a serous tone of voice, subconscionsouly install to women that such domestic problems are serious. Having discovered the solution (Shake N Vac) she quickly changes her tone to an upbeat happy tone. The lyrics states "Put the freshness back " , which is ironic considering the fact that in the begining of he advert she address teh problem (the smell of the dog and the ciggar ) . In those time only men smoked cigars, therefore it is teh mans fault for the unpleasant odour. Yet he females singings about you ( the female pitting the freshness back).
Five Reasons Why Female Directors Are A Rare Sight
- In a male dominated film making industry, it is incredibly hard for females to even contemplate a career as a director .An issue that has occurred through out the film making history is that individuals with elite links are more likely to progress in their career rather any other hard working person. Naomie Harris explains that knowing the right people can have a positive effect on your career, in terms that if you know certain people really well they are more likely to promote you.I have already established that the film making industry is male dominated therefore men are more likely to know their bosses are colleagues , and would probably hang around more casually.
"The whole way the business is constructed (means there are ) just men at every level, which makes it really hard for women to get their feet in the door"
- According to feminist sociologist Ann Oakley females are constantly faced with the dual burden, which means that women are often primary carers of their children. Being primary carers and having the pressure of their career women are often juggling both aspects of their life. Making it harder for women to succeed within the industry.Directing requires dedication and commitment , something which is hard for a mother to offer. The hours are crazy and women need some sort of stability if they have a family.
- Polly leys co-producer of The Full Monty argues that women re not encouraged enough to purse a career in directing. Leys believe that this issue is related to females issues of self belief. Most females dismiss any thoughts about directing, feminists could argue this can be linked to Self-fulfilling prophcey. Women are labelled negatively within the media industry , they are thought to be unreliable ( having children..etc) and subordinate to men. This attached theory leads women to believe that they are not capable of becoming directors. The fact that there is a lack of role models further discouraged them
- Women are often associated with caring and organisational characteristics,which is why in the media industry women tend to have lower status jobs . Kelly Broad suggests that " a directors role is an intense one" where creativity , and leadership is a necceasisty. Such characteristics are traditionally linked with men ,men possesingmental skills are more suitable for the role.
- Directing can be very stressfull , as it is physically and emotionally tiring. With the crazy hours and teh emense pressure to create a art piece. Although women suffer form the dual burden and are better at multitasking , they are still persived as the weaker sex. Therefore more directing job oppurtunities are offered ot men , becuase bosses tend to think taht men could habdke the pressure better and are therefore more likely to stay focused and director successfully.
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